Monday, May 20, 2013

Jewelry News

The Great Gatsby

We all know that Jay Gatsby can throw a party but what do you think of the art deco jewels that sparkle on the women in the movie? If you haven't seen the newest rendition of the movie you must!
View the trailer for a bit of fashion and glitz!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Diamonds & Cars

A Diamond Bentley Toy Car

What is a day without some astonishing use of jewelry among the hip-hop set? No worries - these stories just keep on coming. Jayceon Terrell Taylor, aka The Game, gifted his son with a remote-control miniature Bentley -- one hesitates to call it a toy -- and then covered it in $100,000 worth of diamonds. Why? Because he can. The game tweeted "props" to NYC jeweler Richie Nekatov, for managing to get 150 carats onto the car.

-via INSTORE magazine

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Mother's Day Gifts

Make Mother's Day Last Everyday

Show mom just how much you car with a keepsake gift this mother's day. Baby Feet Jewelry is the perfect option for a keepsake style gift for mom to wear everyday. Measetique Jewels, in Kansas City, can help you, especially with Mother's Day quickly approaching. If you are wanting an even more unique look, sit down with Marty, Graduate Gemologist, to create a custom mother's piece, it's always fun to include birthstones in those pieces!

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Ruby and the Cocktail

$40,000 a Drink - What's it Worth?

The Ruby Rose

If you've got some four-carat rubies to unload, The White Barn Inn in Kennebunkport, ME is in the market. The famous hotel and restaurant has people out shopping now, in fact, to prepare for a special offer commemorating 40 years in business -- rubies being the anniversary gemstone for 40 years. Beginning June 1, The White Barn will begin offering a special cocktail, the Ruby Rose: Hanger One Vodka, St. Germain Elferflower, fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice, pomegranate, a spoonful of rosewater, and a four-carat ruby. At forty-thousand bucks a glass, there's not likely to be a run on Ruby Roses, but the Inn says it's stocking up on the gems just in case. You can get a Ruby Red sans-stone for $18, but what fun is that?