Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Girl Scout Day

Wish List for Milestones in a Young Girl's Life

On National Girl Scout Day be sure to treat the girls in your life to a little sparkle. No matter her age, a girl loves jewelry! Have her stop by Measetique Jewels for a glimpse in the cases, and maybe even make a wish list for her Sweet 16 or upcoming milestones.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Gemstone Facts: Aquamarine

Tell Me More, Tell Me More!

"Aquamarine- the sea in rock form. Most older Americans remember only lightly saturated aqua or the more common synthetic spinel substitute offered by stores through the 20th century. But in the last 10 years we have been blessed with new finds in places such as Madagascar, which has produced stunning, saturated aqua and the unheated, more natural sea-foam color that all the leading edge jewelers are now seeking." -Jim Fiebig, via InStore Magazine