Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Jewelry News

1500-Year Old Ring May Have Royal Roots

"The $50,000 the Yorkshire Museum paid for a sapphire, gold and glass ring is turning out to be money well spent. Found by a local man with metal detector near the village of Esrick in 2009, the ring may have been made for the King of France, 1,500 years ago. "This sapphire ring is even more special than we had previously thought," says museum curator Natalie McCaul. A conference of global experts earlier this year made a few conclusions about the piece: The sapphire was probably cut during the Roman Era and the ring desgined around it. The wear on the rings suggests that it was worn for at least 50 years before it was lost. "Nothing like it has been found in this country," claims an exuberant McCaul."

-via InStore Magazine

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